by Andrea | Jan 20, 2018 | Blog
Rock-N-Horse Farm is offering CSA shares again this year. Long season is 20 weeks and a short season is 12 weeks. We are accepting a $50 deposit to hold your spot. Balance is due April 1st. We have a limit number of spaces to ensure quality and quantity, so...
by Andrea | Jun 1, 2016 | Blog
Our Summer 2016 CSA shares are all sold out. Given the volume of interest, we will look at expanding our farm operations and offering more shares in 2017. In the event you are interested in being added to our waiting list, please email us at [email protected] In...
by Andrea | Jan 8, 2016 | Blog
Registration for the Summer 2016 Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) program at Rock-N-Horse Farm is now open! The Rock-N-Horse Farm summer CSA runs for 14 consecutive weeks, and costs $560. Spaces are limited, and our CSA sells out fast. Please note we only offer full...
by Andrea | Oct 1, 2015 | Blog
Hard to believe the 2015 Summer CSA comes to a close this week. It was truly a pleasure to see so many familiar and new faces at the farm this summer. We hope you enjoyed the Community Shared Agriculture program as much as we enjoyed growing the fresh, wholesome food....
by Andrea | Aug 23, 2015 | Blog
If you visit Rock-N-Horse farm on a regular basis, you may have noticed the trays seedlings in the greenhouse or outside the Farm Shop. To extend our harvest window and maximize the garden’s yield, we utilize succession planting. Using the popular succession...