Rock-N-Horse Farm Summer 2016 CSA Registration Now Open

Rock-N-Horse Farm Summer 2016 CSA Registration Now Open

Registration for the Summer 2016 Community Shared Agriculture (CSA) program at Rock-N-Horse Farm is now open! The Rock-N-Horse Farm summer CSA runs for 14 consecutive weeks, and costs $560. Spaces are limited, and our CSA sells out fast. Please note we only offer full...


If you follow Rock-N-Horse Farm on Facebook, you have no doubt seen photos of our canning efforts.  The list of preserves continues to grow, and we are working hard to keep costs affordable.  Feel free to stop by our Farm Shop at 1267 Rae Road in Almonte or contact us...
Inside the Hive

Inside the Hive

We thought our followers might enjoy this close-up look at a beeswax-walled honeycomb.  This example comes from the apiary at Rock-N-Horse Farms. And yes, we do have fresh honey for sale in our on-site Farm Shop: $5.00/small, $9.00/large.  Need a larger quantity?...
Succession Planting

Succession Planting

If you visit Rock-N-Horse farm on a regular basis, you may have noticed the trays seedlings in the greenhouse or outside the Farm Shop.  To extend our harvest window and maximize the garden’s yield, we utilize succession planting.  Using the popular succession...